Solidmate launches new website

Firstly Soidmate would like to thank all of our clients for the business, we will always strive to keep our clients best ineterests at heart which is why we are always looking for most cost effecient and easiest ways to supply memory and drives.
So as the second part of the year starts to kick in after the school holiday and with the productions starting to mount up we are truly prepared to service the industry in the best way possible, now with our new easy to use Solidmate website it makes life even easier to rent memory such as Sony SxS Pro+, Sony XQD, SanDisk Cfast 2.0. Lexar Cfast 2.0, Samsung SSD Evo 850 Pro, Compact Flash, SD/XC and more...
We have also invested in lots more rental stock so we'll never run short, with new RED Mags coming in October, larger capacity cards of the most popular memory coming onto the market such as the 256gb SxS Pro+, 256gb XQD, 400gb MicroSD, 256gb CF, 512gb SD, 4TB EVO SSD and many more it looks like the capacity for capturing data is increasing which is a welcome sign for the broadcast, film and photography industries.
So let us help with your memory needs, why spend hundreds even thousands on buying memory when you can rent for just a fraction of the price, keep you production spend lower and give yourselves peace of mind there will always be enough memory for you.